Mobile Payment – Direct Carrier Billing


Technology is formed to adapt to human needs for activities to make payments safely and easily and flexibly from consumers’ telephones or cellphones. Technological determinism is associated with mobile payment that the development of communication technology in this case is mobile payment affects the dependence of the human way of carrying out transaction activities on purchases made

The development of the use of cellular phones in society and the increasing number of cellular phone users (cell phones) require technological innovations that are able to facilitate users in carrying out their activities, including for transactions.

This phone will be positioned as a tool that works to replace physical money or credit cards. As a result, now mobile phones can be used for buying and selling transactions, both micropayments and macropayments. The involvement of mobile phones in this field is known as mobile payments. Mobile Payment is payment for goods or services using mobile devices such as mobile phones or PDAs that already have NFC capabilities

Premium SMS

Is a bill payment request via SMS to a certain number/code and the bill will be deducted from the phone credit. For example: purchasing ringtones, wallpapers, music, etc.

Direct Mobile Billing

Is a mode of payment for transactions made using a mobile account, where the mobile account has a PIN and One Time Password.

Mobile Web Payment

Is a bill payment request using WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) on a mobile phone and the bill is charged to telephone billing (Direct Operator Billing). The use of a simple mobile payment can use Credit Card.

Contactless NFC (Near Field Communication)

Is a payment pattern using a mobile device that has an NFC (Near Field Communication) application where the bill will be deducted from the prepaid card, or charged to a telephone billing, or bank account directly.

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